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Les Mémoires
~j~ ~j~
Aunt Edwina

I remember the very first time I saw  sweet baby Shaun, he was so tiny so full of life. Shaun captured my heart the moment I laid eyes on him. Shaun went home to live with his Mommy, Daddy and big sister in there tiny one roomed apartment. Even though it was so cramped, his Mummy didn't care her little family was complete. I remember how happy she was when I went to visit, the smile on her face as you snuggled into her arms.

Around two months after Shaun was born, the happy little family moved into there new three bedroom home. I remember Shauns Mum having big plans for his new room, she was going to make it so beautiful, a real little boys room.


I had the privilege only once of minding Shaun, his Mum would never let him out of her sight. I remember holding him and looking at his precious little face for the longest time, Shaun was just perfect. 

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